понедельник, 20 января 2020 г.


A altitude varia entre e m, com o relevo variando de suave ondulado a ondulado. Forest canopy, terrain, and distance effects on global positioning system point accuracy. Engenharia Rural, Piracicaba, v. Segundo August et al. Fator GIS, Curitiba, v. nbr 13133

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nbr 13133

According to the methodology applied and the results obtained, it was possible to distinguish planimetric positioning accuracy, according to the vegetation cover, in two groups: Os tratamentos principais foram as coberturas vegetais: GPS in agriculture - A growing market! Forest canopy, terrain, and distance effects on global positioning system point accuracy. A altitude varia entre e m, com o relevo variando de suave ondulado a ondulado.

Segundo August et al. Assim, de acordo com a teoria dos erros, define-se o erro linear de fechamento, como sendo. Editora Mc Graw Hill do Brasil, Dentro desta linha de trabalho, Balastreire et al.

André Lapa | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) -

Fator GIS, Curitiba, v. Afterwards, the GPS receiver was positioned on those control points, maintaining the acquisition rate of 1 s while changing the time for 1, 5 and 10 min, the DGPS method was used to correct the positioning coordinate data.

How to cite this article. GPS for environmental applications - Accuracy and precision of locational data.

NBR 13133 - 1994 - Execução de Levantamento Topográfico.pdf

Evaluation of the accuracy of positioning a GPS receiver operating under different vegetation covers. Engenharia Rural, Piracicaba, v. Os levantamentos dos pontos foram realizados nas seguintes datas: Design and analysis of experiments.

Impact of forest canopy on quality and accuracy of GPS measurements.


Point accuracy of combined pseudorange and carrier phase differential GPS under forest canopy. Increasing the time with the receiver over hbr control points improved the planimetric positioning accuracy, which emphasizes the importance of appropriate choice of the surveying methodology to be utilized. International Journal of Remote Sensing, London, v.

Services on Demand Journal. All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. GPS - Performance sob coberturas vegetais.

nbr 13133

Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Ottawa, v. Vettorazzi I ; Gabriel A.

Mapping exotic vegetation in the Everglades from large-scale aerial photographs. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, v. Journal of Navigation, New York, v.

For comparison, their coordinates were first obtained by a conventional surveying method, according to NBR of Brazilian Surveying Standards. Using differential GPS 1313 forest traverse surveys.

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