воскресенье, 19 января 2020 г.


Chris is awesome and will win. I think that you are amazing. At some point, Chris will return to central North Carolina, but globally known singers usually don't spend too much time kickin' it around the Piedmont. I am looking to reading your next post. I would be surprised if he didn't already have a contract before he walked off the stage in the beginning. yunita idol ill stand by you

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But never in my wildest dreams did I imagine Chris would be voted off. It was fun the first time, but by now he's bby tiresome one trick pony.

yunita idol ill stand by you

Thanks once again for share this knowledge with us. New videos uploaded here, following the TV show every Friday at 9: The Pretenders - I'll stand by you.

Can't wait to be the first in line to buy ANY album with your voice on it!!! I am totally voting for you.

Indonesian Idol (season 8) - Wikipedia

He should already be on the radio!!!!!!! If you watch FOX at all, you've already seen him rendering the celebrity judges speechless stans his soaring voice.

yunita idol ill stand by you

Chris, your voice is truly amazing! We are a family of six, ages 5 to She even forgot lyrics! I thought it was my phone that night, I can notbelieve howmany comments I have read all over the internet about it. He restores my faith that someone is out there to fill the shoes of Ozzie, Plant, Gilliam, et al, who have come before him. Trudeau apologizes for brown face photo. He is the total package and has such a huge fan base.

YUNITA - I'LL STAND BY YOU (The Pretenders) - Top 15 Show - Indonesian Idol 2014

Chris is my American Idol! We've all seen it happen before! Chris, whatever, whenever, wherever--we'll definitely buy your first album. His humility and love for his family is what made me a fan.

I will follow you to the end, and cheer for you when you are the last one standing-because I know you will be!! I just recently started watching the show.

His Faith and Family! Chris, I yu shocked and kind of angry; you were the only reason that I was watching Idol to begin with. Sure changes the appeal and credibility of the show. I will buy everything you sing.

When I heard his story told by his wife I was rooting for this guy from the get go.

Lenslinger: Introducing Chris Daughtry

iidol I wish him the best of luck and I hope he knows how talented, moving, and extraordinary he is. Looking forward to your performaces each week helped me to get through the weeks. Oh well, i know i shouldnt uou sad, we know Chris is going to make it big anyway. What the hell just happened? You deserve the best! Quite simply, this dude can wail. You have a long and rewarding career ahead of you. I hope he takes it all the way I knew tonight would be hard because we were now down to the four I really liked.

This episode was first broadcast at

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