These four profiles represent persistent organic pollutants POPs regulated under the Stockholm Convention, very persistent and very bioaccumulative substances vPvBs regulated under REACH and for two novel and unregulated profiles derived from the planetary boundary threats framework; airborne persistent contaminants APCs and waterborne persistent contaminants WPCs. Term search Jobs Translators Clients Forums. Our results show that scores in the four exposure-based hazard profiles provide complementary information about the potential environmental exposure-based hazards of the AMAP chemicals. Review native language verification applications submitted by your peers. Chemicals offer a wide range of desired functions and are used in a variety of consumer goods and industrial sectors. Return to KudoZ list. In brief, we i compiled databases of contaminants of potential concern, ii established models to predict key properties to fill data gaps in the absence of experimental data, and iii developed and applied methods to screen chemicals to identify those that should be assigned high priority for future study.
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We evaluated individual chemicals mentioned in the AMAP report according to hazard profiles for POPs, very persistent and very bioaccumulative vPvB chemicals, and two novel and distinct hazard profiles we derived from the planetary boundary threat framework. Reviewing applications can be fun and only takes a few minutes. Signe Jase KudoZ activity Questions: The in silico methods developed in this thesis can be applied to conduct screening-level exposure assessments using only chemical structures as a starting point.
You can request verification for native languages by completing a simple application that takes only a couple of minutes.
PBTs or vPvBs
vpgbs The two planetary boundary threat profiles assign high priority to chemicals that will be mobile and poorly reversible environmental contaminants. Term search Jobs Translators Clients Forums. A report that reviews Arctic contaminants that are not currently regulated as persistent organic pollutants POPs under international treaties was recently published by the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme AMAP.
Our results show that scores in the four exposure-based hazard profiles provide complementary information about the potential environmental exposure-based hazards of the AMAP chemicals. Peer comments on this answer and responses from the answerer. Paper III elucidates the relationship between the elemental composition of these chemicals and the exposure-based hazard scores, and presents a strategy to disentangle overlaps among the four exposure hazard profiles by categorizing chemicals according to the spatial coverage of profiles they best fit.
PBTs and vPvBs
Peer comments on this answer and responses from the answerer agree. Automatic update in Latvian PRO pts in category: We used in silico estimates of physicochemical properties and multimedia models to calculate hazard metrics for persistence, bioaccumulation and long-range transport potential, bpvbs we synthesized this information into four exposure-based hazard scores of the potential of each AMAP chemical to fit each of the POP, vPvB, APC and WPC exposure-based hazard profiles.
Utilizing persistence as a proxy for poor reversibility, we defined two exposure-based hazard profiles; airborne persistent contaminants APCs and waterborne persistent contaminants WPCs that are potential planetary boundary threats. Login or register free and only takes a few minutes to participate in this question.
The number of individual synthetic organic chemicals produced and the total global chemical production volume are increasing.
vPvBs - Translation into Portuguese - examples English | Reverso Context
These models can be used in high-throughput exposure assessment studies, passive sampling experiments, and models of emissions, fate and transport of chemicals. Participation is free and the site has a strict confidentiality policy. APCs and WPCs are chemicals that vvpvbs mobile in air and water, respectively, and that contaminate the vpcbs in a poorly reversible manner due to their persistence.
Patents, Trademarks, Copyright Law: These four profiles represent persistent organic pollutants POPs regulated under the Stockholm Convention, very persistent and very bioaccumulative substances vPvBs regulated under REACH and for two novel and unregulated profiles derived from the planetary boundary threats framework; airborne persistent contaminants APCs and waterborne persistent contaminants WPCs. Close and don't show again Close.
You have native languages that can be verified You can request verification for native languages vpcbs completing a simple application that takes only a couple of minutes.

You will also have access to many other tools and opportunities designed for those who have language-related jobs or are passionate about them. The majority of these anthropogenic chemicals are not monitored in environmental matrices nor in the indoor environment even though some vpvns associated with undesirable consequences and the range of possible chemical impacts is still far from being fully understood. The KudoZ network provides a framework for translators and others to assist each other with translations or explanations of terms and short phrases.
Review v;vbs language verification applications submitted by your peers. There are no ingredients present which, within the current knowledge of the supplier and in the concentrations applicable, are classified as hazardous to health or the environment, are PBTs or vPvBs or have been assigned a workplace exposure limit and hence require reporting in this section.
Login to enter a vpvbd comment or grade. Paper I delivers screening-level models to predict partition ratios of organic chemicals between polymeric materials commonly found indoors, and both air and water.
English term or phrase: Return to KudoZ list. This thesis describes the development of a set of in silico methods to identify and prioritize vpvhs with high exposure potential that are currently not subject to national or international restrictions. Chemicals offer a wide range of desired functions and are used in a variety of consumer goods and industrial sectors.

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